Graduation Bouquet > Graduation Bouquet (GD40) |
GD40 |
FYI, Bouquet size in photo is sunflower and roses with mixture fillers.
Kindly take note:
-Flowers provided might be more or less depends on the color of the flower we received everyday.
-In some instances, the florists photo may represent an overall theme or look and include a one-of-a-kind vase which cannot be exactly replicated. Although the actual bouquet may not precisely match the photo, its temperament will. Occasionally, substitutions of flowers or containers happen due to weather, seasonality and market conditions which may affect availability. Product may be arrived in bud form to ensure longer life.
-friendly reminder: The petal of pink roses will get dark easily when appear at hot day outside. |
Please Write Down Your Delivery Time In The Special Remarks.
**3 hours estimate. Business hours 1030am - 6pm
**Same day flower delivery will be 1:00pm-6:00pm
If you like to made special arrangement over the weekend or during Public holiday, Please contact us at +60176501689(WhatsApp) or clinefloralflorist@gmail.com(email) |
1 - RM 180.00 |